We know it can be frustrating to find answers to simple questions. That’s why we’ve prepared this FAQ page for our site visitors. If for some reason you’re not finding an answer to your question on this page please reach out to us at bonjour@kdacreativecorps.com and we’ll do our best to help you! 

The KDA Creative Corps (KDACC) is a pilot re-granting program, part of the California Creative Corps, a project of the California Arts Council. It was designed to promote community and civic engagement, spread awareness about water and energy conservation, climate change, emergency preparedness, relief and recovery through the arts.

KDACC is administered by the Kern Dance Alliance, one of 14 administering organizations (AOs) selected statewide to regrant funds in their respective regions to arts and social service organizations, individual artists and cultural workers.

The KDACC grant program exists to create jobs and infrastructure development opportunities that will increase the ways in which artists are engaged in public work. The jobs created through the KDACC focus on hiring artists to execute projects that improve Californian’s quality of life, specifically in communities and census tracts among the lowest quartiles of the California Healthy Places Index (HPI).

Approximately $4.2 million was granted to Kern Dance Alliance by the California Arts Council. After accounting for administrative expenses, $3,382,613 was available for regranting.

KDACC received grant applications totaling more than $21 million in requested funds from more than 140 eligible applicants. 

Eligible applications were evaluated based on the following criteria: 1) focus on one of the four program areas, 2) project design, 3) artist involvement, 4) impact on Healthy Places Index, 5) community engagement and 6) budget. A review panel adjudicated complete and eligible applications based on the criteria against a 6-point ranking scale. Final grant awards were made collaboratively between the KDA Board of Directors, KDACC program staff and CAC staff.

All application notification emails were sent from noreply@smartsimplemailer.com.  Additionally, you may login to your portal to view notifications there. 


Projects must be completed before May 1, 2024.

The California Creative Corps was funded by a $60 million one-time General Fund allocation in the 2021 State Budget. As of May 1, 2023, no future funding has been approved.

The California Arts Council’s 2023 grant season is accepting online applications through June 6, 2023, for six different programs.ove Californian’s quality of life, specifically in communities and census tracts among the lowest quartiles of the California Healthy Places Index (HPI).

Approximately $4.2 million was granted to Kern Dance Alliance by the California Arts Council. After accounting for administrative expenses, $3,382,613 was available for regranting.

To learn more about KDACC and recipients’ projects, visit kdacreativecorps.org and sign up for our email list. You can also follow us on Instagram @kdacreativecorps.

No, all decisions are final and there is no appeals process. Final grant decisions were made collaboratively between the Kern Dance Alliance Board of Directors, KDA Creative Corps program staff and the California Arts Council staff. 

We want to stress that the selection process was extremely competitive and we took great care to ensure that each application received a thoughtful and thorough review.

Yes. You may log into your SmartSimple portal to review your KDACC application rankings.

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